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Monday, August 18, 2008

Are You Sick and Tired of the Same Old Wedding Favors?

Are You Sick and Tired of the Same Old Wedding Favors?

Author: Linda Ellison

How many times have you gone online to shop for wedding favors and have noticed that every site seems to be selling the same exact items? What gives?

Online retailers are usually reselling items from a drop shipper, meaning a company that manufacturers and ships all the items for them. This is very convenient for someone that sells online as it means they don't need to actually make up the wedding favors, warehouse thousands of them, and do any actual packing and shipping. There are only a few major drop shippers when it comes to wedding favors, so you understand why so many online retailers wind up selling the same items.

However, understanding what's going on behind the scenes with online retailers of wedding favors probably doesn't help you out much when you're shopping. Just because those websites are all getting their products from the same place doesn't mean that you're happy to have the same items as everyone else! So what to do?

If you want unique and personal wedding favors then it's time to think outside the box, as they say. Purchasing favors that you know other people have purchased is perfectly fine but to make them unique to you, dress them up a bit. Get some wrapping paper that fits the theme or tone of your wedding and wrap them individually, tying them with huge ribbon or a big bow. If you are having a more casual wedding, you could get helium balloons on ribbon and tie that around each of your wedding favors for a fun and festive touch. You can also print out a small personal message to your guests and roll them up and slide them under the ribbon of your wedding favors for a great personal touch.

Remember that there are many other options for wedding favors than you might expect. While items like candles and small tins or bags of candy are popular choices, you can use some creativity when choosing items for your wedding. Check your local stationery store for some nice note cards that match the theme of your wedding. Visit a nursery to get some tiny potted plants. You can find small vases or clay pots virtually anywhere, all of which are very affordable. Small wooden boxes you purchase from the craft supply store make for great wedding favors that anyone can use as added storage on a desk or dresser.

Don't rule out personalized candy bar wrappers as wedding favors. There are literally hundreds of designs available and typically you can find something that matches the theme or tone of your wedding, and of course they're usually personalized for free. A nice chocolate bar is something that just about everyone loves, so of course you can't go wrong with these as wedding favors!

Putting some mental energy into your choice of favors is not a chore, but rather it's a fun and enjoyable part of planning your wedding. And remember that your wedding favors are your way of thanking your guests for being there and for sharing in your special day, so that thought and effort is an expression of your gratitude but will also help you to make a decision in finding favors that really are personal and unique to you!

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About the Author:

Linda Ellison is a freelance writer who specializes in trends and lifestyles. Her previously published fiction works, including the Dana Ford Mystery Series, have been on bookshelves nationwide. Visit to read more about the latest trends in wedding favors.

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